Thursday 22 March 2012

Point of View OR Way of Understanding.....


Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. 
Henry David Thoreau 

As William Safire says: ”If you re-read your work, you can find on re-reading a great deal of repetition can be avoided by re-reading and editing. “. I am a little conscious about this at this moment of time. Afraid that some of what i am writing may become repetitive. So I decided to think about it and see how I can avoid this?! Well of course Safire gave me the first clue, but then what?! Well then I remembered something by Muhammad Ali, he said that:” It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”  And I remembered that is what I want to do; producing positive thoughts that can only be believed by understanding them and by repeating them for ourselves.
Today I want to talk about point of view....last week I had a conversation with a friend which started up from a very funny statement that I made about pigeons and him trying to convince me that I may be wrong! His way was that of convincing me that I need put myself in their shoes and think as them! why would they want to fly into my face?!!! This is looking at a problem from another angle. This other angle may not at all belong to someone else, but it helps you to see the world more clearly! Simple example: just think of how much easier it is to feel things that are in 3D and how much more they are understandable when they move in the other dimensions (or just the 4th dimension, time!)
To write this piece I decided to change my normal place of sitting and writing! So I am sitting on my study desk (literally on it) in the corner and I have my laptop on my bed desk and I am writing this for you! Its an amazing experience! I am hoping that the glass on the desk does not break and injure me! But i guess that just makes it more exciting!
So back to the main topic....POINT OF VIEW.... so I want you to read the sentence below and then I want you to think about it and then look back at the second paragraph of this piece and try to figure out why I disagree:

“We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not. 
Tony Robbins

How can you ever have a clear view of the things around you, if you only look at them as who you are?! How can you improve and how can you understand others and communicate with them?! we all fall for this at times; the moments we think we are right and no one else is...I typically do this for my religious views ( which is none) and I think people who believe in a religion are just not very clever or educated in the field. I simply say that because I studied and then came to the point of no religion. But many people just follow their parents and they never want to think otherwise. I guess that is just because it scares them. But then again, think of the Nietzsche’s theory of truth or untrue that I keep on talking about: HOW DO WE KNOW SOMETHING IS FOR DEFINITE RIGHT?!  Well I hate following people’s path, I rather be more adventurous, but this theory just makes stuff more adventurous.... in the very same paper where Nietzsche explained this theory, he also explained that the way we can handle this is to study and make decisions based on what we think is right. Yet again, how can we rely on someone else’s studies and scientific facts? To be honest this theory changed my word both in a good way and a bad way...bad way being that I lost trust in everyone’s point of view. So the dilemma raised: to look at all different point of view or only rely on what you yourself think is true?!

“There is nothing insignificant in the world. It all depends on the point of view. 
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Lets go back to the pigeon example, if i think that every time one of these birds flies into me, it is going to attack me am I right... or do I have to think of what the bird is actually doing based on my friends observation and believe that i am wrong.
Both ways I am analysing what I think, one relying on my own thoughts and the other, relying on my friends thoughts. Both of us may be right and both of us may be wrong. What would you do?!
In fact what would you o if you were in my shoes?!

Peace & Love
Rona Sinni

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