Sunday 4 March 2012

Is it Equality or Fairness ....

“Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity.
Irving Kristol

So as always I this thought generated from a TV programme that I was watching! Sometimes I think I over analyse them, but who says it is a bad thing?! It is important to analyse what you see or you will constantly fall for the same “boxed up” ideas that the society gives you, and I believe this is a crime!!! A crime to bring up people as non thinkers! Anyways, I won’t get too carried away... It was a very basic part of this film, where the guy acting as a TV presenter asking people “If everyone is equal?”
“So is everyone equal?!” I asked myself! Thus this post will be a report of what I think and I will do my best to keep the thoughts of great minds out of it and I will talk about what they think later perhaps. And what does equality mean?! So the dictionary said:” correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.” I keep on going on about equality and how I wish it will one day come true! But the reality is that I and perhaps many of us use this word in a different context as we use many other words with a wrong meaning in our everyday life and we know that others should understand it in the way we do! But I don’t think if I could look at it the same from now on! Equality can be of what is applied to everyone! For example the laws are the same for everyone, but it is actually our actions that make us different from others, therefore we are not equal anymore. In normal terms the word fairness is used for what I described above. As fairness is:” the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free frombias or injustice; evenhandedness: I have to admit, in allfairness, that she would only be paid for part of the work.”  I think the difference is clear now! What we actually are looking for is that fairness!

“Fairness is what justice really is.
Potter Stewart

Equality in terms of today’s society does not have a meaning really! An educated person and an uneducated person are not the same, however they are not any better or worse, but they are not similar, because of the way they have approached their way of living! However the educated person can be corrupted and the uneducated person a person who gives so much to the society! There is no irony! You cannot compare people as general thus we cannot say everyone is equal! We were of course born equally free, but not even the same way!
Maybe that is why people struggle with this issue! How can you think of everyone being equal where they are not! BUT we can treat everyone with fairness! People see the reaction to their action, only those whom really stupid will treat people differently with not measuring the person’s conditions!
From the eyes of law, with that beautiful scale representing the actual equality this becomes clear! And law is only one scale of measuring the differences! Bad people and the others (Who may not be the best people is other contexts but not bad in terms of law”. The job a person has or the way they dress up however does not make a person bad or good! It’s all about the attitudes and deeds! These are what I am pointing at now! We are not equal, but there is not a scale to measure it in details except the judgmental brain of ours! And where it goes wrong is where all problems rise from!
The point I want to make is:” we are not equal or the same in any category, but everyone has the right to be treated by fairness based on their deeds” the appearances does not make us better or worse than the others, it not the skin colour or sexual is not the way we talk or how much money we’s not about how much we know or how good looking we are! None of these makes us better or worse than the others, but we are not equally the same! We are different but we deserve the chance to be recognised based on our deeds and therefore treated based on that! Respect is the first step towards fairness! And love is the next step!
“Fairness is not an attitude. It's a professional skill that must be developed and exercised.
Brit hume

Love & Peace
Rona Sinni

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