Thursday 19 April 2012

Living a Life.... Living My Life .....

“It is a sin to live”! Perhaps no one has ever directly said that to you! But think about it for a second! How many things in life you enjoy that is considered a sin from a religious person’s point of view???
I have had my brain strangles by some odd thoughts recently; well not quite odd! Just different from my way of thinking! About future and about what I have to make of it!!! Well what do I have to make of it?!! I have spent a while thinking about it! My aunt asked me what’s my 10 years plan a while back and my answer was: a secure job that pays quite well so I can live easily and make my way towards having my own company! Be known for what I do! And a few more things which did not sound so important at that time!
But a lot has happened since, and now thinking back, I am a little sad about my point of view then! I have seen so many people around me, living their whole life to make a life that they can enjoy when they are older, having a good house, having a good job, earning loads of money. But this was not all possible except by spending all their time working and working! Sadly mainly because we live in a capitalist world! They had the hope of living a comfortable life when they are older, but it just became impossible for so many reasons!
Now my perspective!!! I don’t want my share of life to be like that! I want to live a life that I can live! I want to have the good things in life! Good things that make you happy from inside and not from outside! I want to live a life that makes me happy! And fortunately I have realised that I cannot live that life unless I live it for now and not live it for the future!

“We spend too much time living in the ‘what if’ and need to learn to live in the ‘what is.”
Rev. Leroy Allison

Well I want to always have a home! And by a home I don’t mean a place, I mean a thing! Somewhere that I can rely on! When everything is wrong, I can just go there and know that I will feel better there!
I want love, I want to know that that home has someone that I belong to, It can be a child or it can be a partner, it can be my parents! (Hopefully not cats though)
I want to go around the world on adventures (this may sound to people reading this in a few hundred years or sooner, when they go to other planets, but yeh, it is a good enough dream for my time).
I want to do things that take my breath away! I want to keep being reckless as some people call it! There is a symbolic saying about what we do in life: they say when a boat moves forward, it does not leaves ripples at its back and it may cause a revelation under the water, but it sure will not stay that way and its only a matter of time until they fade away ( unless u take pictures of it and hang it on your wall so you always feel bad when you look at them! Your choice really) or you can let go and feel free of it!
Of course I want a job and house, but I have learnt this in life, that when you have a family, it does not matter how big or small your house is; because when your family supports and loves you, everything is fine!
My advice for you:
Make love, be reckless because nothing lasts, love everyone and forget easily.... make a home, not a castle that you barely can call it a house, let alone home..inspire people with whatever it is you do! and have faith! Not necessarily in something called God, but have faith in nature! Nature can be cruel but its like that mother that gets angry at you, only to make you learn and become stronger and then make more love, because that’s where it all began!
“Your body is free but your heart is in prison. To release your heart, you simply reverse the process which locked it up. First you begin to listen for messages from your heart—messages you may have been ignoring since childhood. Next you must take the daring, risky step of expressing your heart in the outside world. . . . As you learn to live by heart, every choice you make will become another way of telling your story. . . . It is the way you were meant to exist. If you stop to listen, you’ll realize that your heart has been telling you so all along.”

Martha Beck, "Finding Your Own North Star

Love & Peace
Rona Sinni

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